

News, best practices, inspiration and product releases from Appland

How Silent Circle built a unique value proposition with an App Store

Posted by Daniel Nilsson on November 18, 2015


World's most secure Android smartphone and App Store?


Are you thinking about your product and total value proposition to your customers? Let us inspire you with the success story of Silent Circle and Blackphone 2.


7 revenue streams for App Stores

Posted by Daniel Nilsson on November 12, 2015

Monetization methods for third party app stores


Apps are an important part of creating really good customer experiences and there are many different ways to create revenue with an app store. Some are more direct and some are the result of clever marketing strategies.

Let’s go through the 7 different strategies you can set up for your app store business model.

3 App Store Content Engagement Tips

Posted by Daniel Nilsson on November 10, 2015

Applands Chief Content Officer gives you his top three content engagement tips


Appland white label app stores comes preloaded with over 110 000 apps from start but how do you make yourself different from Google Play and Apple Store?


App Store Mobile Games Club from Thailand

Posted by Daniel Nilsson on November 6, 2015

Video and inspiration from telecom operator True Digital Plus  


At Appland we love success stories and we are very impressed by True Digitals Plus games club app store called GoodGames. True Digital Plus is using the Appland platform and has a very big user base. They are passionate about online and mobile games and drive multiple games clubs in south east asia.

Why mobile is important for your marketing mix

Posted by Daniel Nilsson on November 2, 2015

Use App Stores and Push Messages to engage


Mobile have in a few years become one of our most important possessions. Think about it. How many times per day do you check your mobile? Text messages, Facebook, email and Instagram draw our attention and according to the Marketo infographic below, 72 % spend more than 2 hours/day on their mobile device.

Easier App Installations From Outside Google Play - Unknown Sources - White Paper

Posted by Daniel Nilsson on September 23, 2015

Google has for a long time making it difficult to install applications from outside Google Play. In Android 5.0, Samsung has created a highly improved user journey to address the issue and create a more open app environment. Other handset manufacturers are likely to follow